Fall 52DC Objectives:

88 Clean eats (out of 104 possible)
20 Resistance training sessions
20 Cardio workouts
Lose 10.5 lbs (5% body weight)

I completed week 5, day two last night after my night class!  It was a challenge (I can't remember the last time I ran close to a mile non-stop for any reason) although I did shorten the planned 5-minute recovery time between the two 8-minute intervals since it felt like more than I needed.  The big test is next - a twenty-minute run non-stop.  Since I am trying to monitor real signs of progress, I've been checking heart rate at the end of each interval; I'm pretty much maxing out at about 85% of max at the end of an interval (and that drops quickly back to 60% or so within a minute or two).

I threw in a full-body circuit of what we used to call the "Nautilus machines" (not sure what they are called now) after the run.  I've been neglecting my weight training since starting C25K and I don't want to lose all the gains I've achieved, so a half-hour circuit can't hurt.  Once C25K is over, I'll be getting back into proper free weight training on an upper/lower body split.

It looks like the 20-minute run will take place Saturday- wish me luck!


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