2024 Portfolio Performance
3 weeks ago
I'm going through a serious motivational trough. I pulled a couple of late nights this week working on a report, and between being squeezed for time, feeling tired, and trying to stay ahead of some family obligations, the gym has been a foreign place to me this week. Waking up in the dark, driving home in the dark, and having to walk through freezing rain hasn't helped. I can't seem to get fired up about the fitness thing right now. I haven't even posted this week sine I've got nothing to really report.
Labels: 52 Day Challenge
Anonymous said...
Sucks when life gets in the way - but it happens to all of us. But - you did not walk away from the Challenge - you are back with a vengence - Great!
November 8, 2009 at 4:48 PM
Anonymous said...
Don't let life pass you by! It is easy to fall into that kind of a rut..I have found myself there many times. We are here as a "team" to keep each other going! Glad to see you are ready to fire back! Can't wait to hear about your continued success!
November 8, 2009 at 5:09 PM