Fall 52DC Objectives:

88 Clean eats (out of 104 possible)
20 Resistance training sessions
20 Cardio workouts
Lose 10.5 lbs (5% body weight)

Two days into the 52DC and I'm off to a good start, I think.  My daughter is visiting the grandparents for a few days so this is a good opportunity to get a jump on things.  I've booked two RT's and a CT already - a semi-spontaneous spin class on day one, along with an upper body workout, and then a lower body/core workout tonight for day two.  Might shift my hours ahead at work tomorrow to get in the evening spin class for another CT.

Tonight's clean eating was my first real hurdle - we went out to a great pub with a huge collection of micro-brews (including their house beer, which is AWESOME.  If anyone is in the area, I highly recommend the Golden Kiwi in Cambridge for good, fresh food, a unique menu, and a nice atmosphere.)  I behaved, skipped the fries with dinner and limited myself to a glass and a half of wine instead of two pints of beer.  Overall, my afternoon passed muster for a CE  so I'm 4 for 4.  Cool.


Great job! You have better willpower than me! Out for dinner tonight for early birthday celebration with in laws. Father in law insisted that I have a drink and ordered me a strawberry daiquiri. So, good for you on passing on the beer.

Good luck!


March 20, 2010 at 12:46 AM  

Thanks for the comment, BBM. Unfortunately, I gave in tonight to exactly the same temptation. bu-bye, CE.

March 20, 2010 at 8:24 AM  

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