Fall 52DC Objectives:

88 Clean eats (out of 104 possible)
20 Resistance training sessions
20 Cardio workouts
Lose 10.5 lbs (5% body weight)

Tonight, I stopped by the gym to get in a lower-body RT.  It miggt not hav ebeen a great idea, since my glutes and thighs are feeling pretty stiff today (maybe from running yesterday?  Or from spin class overload?)  I'm not really that strong on the "big" exercises, but the weight is still going up so that's been real encouraging.  Similar to the upper body, I warm up for 5-7 minutes on a cardio machine beforehand, and take about a minute between sets.

Tonight included:
1.  Front Squat - 3 sets of 10 or to failure.  Tonight was 115 lbs/10 reps, 135 /8, 135/7
2.  Barbell lunge, 95/10, 115/8, 115/8

3a.  Cable leg extension, 2x80 lbs/10 reps, 2x90/10, 2x95/8
3b.  Cable leg curl, 150/10, 165/10, 172/8
(3a and 3b done as a superset) 

4a.  Incline bench crunch, 30 reps and 25 reps
4b.  Back extension w/10lb plate, 25 reps and 20 reps
(4a and 4b done as superset)

It was a bit of a lazy night since I usually throw in another exercise or two - maybe another ab/core exercise, or something like a Bulgarian split squat to supplement the lunges and squats.  But given the way my legs were quivering before I even started, this seemed like an appropriate level of work.

Thought for the day - packaging up crappy junk food in ridiculously small bags and putting "less than 100 calories per bag!!!" on the outside does not change the underlying fact that it is still crappy junk food.    


My daughter was on WW - lost a ton - lived on those 100 calorie packs of crap. Took me forever to convince her of the error of her ways. She finally understood.

But - damn - it is so easy.


March 22, 2010 at 9:53 PM  

100 Calories per bag, but are they eating just ONE?

March 24, 2010 at 3:50 AM  

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