Fall 52DC Objectives:

88 Clean eats (out of 104 possible)
20 Resistance training sessions
20 Cardio workouts
Lose 10.5 lbs (5% body weight)

I thought it might be appropriate to post a progress update (similar to the daily updates on the 52DC forum). Halfway through, all my goals are well within reach if I keep at it.

Clean Eating -pretty good results, with 38 CE's to date (out of a total of 46 possible). Some of the blown opportunities were minor (an extra glass of wine one night) and some were pretty major (hitting the dessert table at a buffet restaurant with the family). Overall, I'm thinking that 85 is possible, a few above my overall goal of 80.

Cardio - Ahead of the game here, with fourteen sessions under my belt out of a target of 25. I can feel a difference in my workouts over the last three weeks as well - the intensity level has been raised. My thought process - no ue spending all this time in the gym if I'm not going to give it everything I've got while there!

Resistance training - 8 sessions out of a goal of 20; still within reach though I'm one or two behind pace to date. Still not looking forward to lower body sessions; not sure if its the hard work, or intimidation from using the heavier weights (though not as heavy as most!). I'm really feeling that my flexibility is not where it should be; keeping form during squats is a bit tough and my lunges are still a bit wobbly.

On the personal goals, I'm down officially six pounds out a target of 11, and have blown away the spin class objective of 8 (1/week) over the challenge. My "crunches" are on track too; I'm almost half way to my goal of 800 crunches over the 52-day period.

Overall, I'm going to give myself a "B" with the need to get more RT's in before I get up to "A" level. Pretty satisfied overall though.


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