Fall 52DC Objectives:

88 Clean eats (out of 104 possible)
20 Resistance training sessions
20 Cardio workouts
Lose 10.5 lbs (5% body weight)

I haven't posted in a few days, since I've finally had some activity on the job search front and it's crunch time with the classes I'm taking. A few quick thoughts...

1) Thanks to strepthroat, I've achieved my 5% weight loss challenge goal! My weight's been holding steady for a week or so, here's hoping that this weight loss is "real" and won't come back now that I'm eating more than arrowroot cookies and soup.

2) Timing issues (spin class schedule) is really jeopardizing my new-and-improved, bumped-up goal of 20 spin classes! I might need to find clubs elsewhere within driving distance who offer mid-day or Tues/Thurs classes to get up to 20 for the challenge.

3) I'm not sure if it's part of my pec or my anterior shoulder, but there is some weird muscle that is really developing on both sides. Never knew it was there until this challenge!

I'm down to the wire on all the exercise goals, so I need to really prioritize them to get them done. The way the numbers are, I'm in real danger of missing all of them by one or two, and getting a big "0-fer" at the end of the challenge. Can't let that happen!


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