Fall 52DC Objectives:

88 Clean eats (out of 104 possible)
20 Resistance training sessions
20 Cardio workouts
Lose 10.5 lbs (5% body weight)

It's been a while since my last post, but I have not been slacking in the challenge.  I'm on track with the RT's and well ahead on cardio, and in fact put in another 3 miles or so today.  The bad news is, I really had my lower-body weight training scheduled and am procrastinating again.  Blah.  My eating has been pretty sound (except for last Sunday...) too, and I'm seeing indications on the tape measure that progress on the 5% weight challenge is forthcoming as well.  I am down almost an inch on my ab measurement since the challenge started, to a number I haven't seen for quite a while!

All that said, I'm starting to feel that things are generally in a bit of a rut.  I'm back to obsessing about relatively minor things (how many tire reviews on www.tirerack.com does one need to read before deciding on a set of clearly-overdue tires???) and most seriously of all, I realized that my recent campaign to get rid of old/ripped/worn underwear has resulted in my having nine pairs of identical gitch, purchased at different times over the past eight months.  The joe fresh line may be reasonably priced, and nicely made, but would it have hurt to at least get different colours?  This is the clearest sign yet that, after fifteen months, I think I need a vacation.


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