Fall 52DC Objectives:

88 Clean eats (out of 104 possible)
20 Resistance training sessions
20 Cardio workouts
Lose 10.5 lbs (5% body weight)

My venture into circuit training a few months ago demonstrated, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that my triceps were very weak.  I couldn't even get into position for a bench dip without collapsing to the ground, and even the overhead tri extension was painful with a light dumbbell or plate.  One of my objectives is to do something about that.

I have been doing assisted dips with hands close and elbows in tight - this seems to be a pretty good way to hit the tri's as well as the chest.  It's tough to keep the elbows from flying out though- and that brings in the chest.  I've dropped the dip and added a couple of isolation moves as part of the Plan  - cross-shoulder tri extension, and the dumbell triceps extension on the bench, are both included in the routine.  I'll see how the strength goes - if it doesn't increase, I may need to add a bit more focus instead of just doing triceps as part of arm/shoulders once a week.


Quick story - a couple of challenges ago - Skycabin and I got into a push-up contest. The guy who could exceed 1000 by the most pushups in the 52 days - won. We called a truce at about 5000 and he beat me by maybe 100 at approximately 6000 and change.

I had never been able to do even one unassisted dip. Switched my workout - tried dips - out of nowhere - I could do 10 unassisted. Now I can do 20. Only because I am doing push-ups, which I now do with my feet on a bench.

That is my Tricep story.

Good Luck

April 18, 2010 at 10:16 PM  

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