Fall 52DC Objectives:

88 Clean eats (out of 104 possible)
20 Resistance training sessions
20 Cardio workouts
Lose 10.5 lbs (5% body weight)

Today was day 1 in another 52 Day Challenge, and I am psyched!  I did a warm-up on our beautiful holiday Monday with a great cardio class ("Bodyattack", one of the Les Mills classes offed at my gym).  I rounded that off by riding my bike to the gym and back (taking the trails on the way home) and jumping in the pool afterwards.

The official weigh-in today was 206.8lbs, a little higher than my best weight during the last challenge, but still within reason given the slacking off that has taken place over the past couple of weeks.  I'm shooting for a 10.5lb weight loss, and that will be my main focus.  I am starting a 12-session circuit training class tonight - that will be the core of my resistance training plan for the next few weeks.  I've done the class before and it is a great challenge! 


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